
General Dentistry

Deep Cleaning, alternatively referred to as Scaling and Root Planing Therapy or Periodontal Treatment, represents a more comprehensive approach compared to routine dental cleanings. This specialized procedure offers the potential to prevent costly interventions and halt the progression of Gingivitis and Gum Disease.

In the course of this treatment, our skilled dental hygienists meticulously address plaque and tartar buildup situated below the gum line, a critical step in mitigating periodontal concerns. Deep cleaning becomes imperative when conventional cleaning measures prove inadequate in addressing escalating periodontal issues. Subsequent to this procedure, our experienced dentist will evaluate the necessity for more intricate interventions, potentially including periodontal surgery.

To ensure your comfort, local anesthesia is employed, ensuring a painless and anxiety-free encounter. Our paramount goal is to facilitate an experience that is both soothing and stress-free for our patients.

Should you require a deep cleaning, we invite you to reach out and schedule an appointment with us. Your oral health is our priority, and we are here to cater to your needs.

Maintaining optimal oral health necessitates regular teeth cleaning, a fundamental practice that involves the meticulous elimination of dental plaque from the teeth’s surface. This proactive approach is aimed at thwarting the onset of cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Daily oral hygiene routines encompass brushing and flossing, allowing individuals to uphold their dental health. Nonetheless, certain tenacious deposits persist, which can be effectively addressed by a skilled dental hygienist.

For individuals boasting healthy gums, scheduling a dental cleaning every six months is advisable. By adhering to diligent oral hygiene, you can shield against cavities, avert tooth loss, enhance your smile’s radiance, invigorate your breath, bolster your overall well-being, and even economize in the long run.

Our devoted team of dental hygienists excels in administering a gentle, thorough, and efficacious dental cleaning. Our unwavering emphasis on preventive dental care motivates us to keep track of your schedule and provide timely reminders for your next visit.

Feel free to contact us to arrange your forthcoming teeth cleaning appointment. Your oral health is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring your vibrant smile endures.

Root Canal Therapy is an essential procedure to prevent the development of tooth abscesses. When a tooth abscess is present, patients may experience symptoms such as a pus-filled pocket within the tooth leading to swelling and inflammation.

Root Canal Treatment is employed in cases of severe tooth decay to salvage and restore a compromised tooth.

Contrary to common misconceptions, the process of root canal treatment is generally no more painful than receiving a dental filling. The real discomfort often arises before seeking dental care, not during the root canal procedure itself. In instances requiring emergency root canal treatment, consulting a specialist is advisable.

Root canal procedures are conducted when the tooth’s nerve becomes infected or the pulp is damaged due to extensive decay that has infiltrated and impacted the tooth’s nerves and pulp tissues. Throughout the procedure, the infected nerve and pulp are extracted, and the interior of the tooth is meticulously cleaned and sealed.

Opting for a specialist to perform the root canal treatment is highly recommended. A general dentist might require multiple visits to complete the procedure, whereas our specialist, Dr. Shahbod Rassoulian, boasts over 16 years of expertise as an endodontist. Dr. Rassoulian typically completes even the most complex root canals in no more than 45 minutes.

It’s important to emphasize that the longevity of any dental procedure, including root canal treatment, hinges on maintaining good oral health habits. Concerns about potential root canal failure over the years should be addressed by focusing on diligent post-procedural care.

For further details regarding specifications of Root Canal treatment or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Wisdom teeth, also referred to as third molars, typically emerge at the rear of the mouth during an individual’s late teens or early twenties.

In many cases, these teeth become impacted, failing to fully emerge due to obstructions from adjacent teeth. Such impaction often leads to discomfort and pain. Despite diligent oral hygiene practices, these molars are challenging to clean adequately, given their location at the back of the mouth. Consequently, decay and gum disease can take root.

Manifesting as swollen gums and discomfort, wisdom teeth can also contribute to issues like crowding, damage to neighboring teeth, harm to the jawbone or nerves, and irregular positioning, including horizontal or angled orientations. These concerns may necessitate wisdom teeth extractions or surgical procedures, guided by professional recommendations.

Contrary to misconceptions, wisdom teeth removal is a relatively straightforward process. During extraction, the nearby tissue is numbed through local anesthesia, with additional sedation administered as appropriate. Our aim is to ensure that our patients encounter a painless and anxiety-free procedure.

Subsequent to the intervention, Dr. Ordoñez diligently imparts post-operative care instructions, ensuring a smooth recovery.

In our practice, patients receive exceptional dental care from the finest practitioners in the field. Rest assured, we are equipped to meet all your dental needs, providing a level of service that stands unmatched in the region.

When a tooth reaches a point where restoration is unfeasible, its extraction becomes imperative to stave off the onset of periodontal disease.

Tooth extractions are efficiently completed within a single appointment, with the procedure’s duration contingent upon the intricacy of the extraction. Employing atraumatic techniques during extractions is essential, minimizing the potential for injury or trauma.

Following the tooth’s removal, a prudent course of action involves socket preservation, wherein bone is strategically placed to fill the void left by the extracted tooth. This approach fosters bone regeneration and prepares the area for potential dental implant placement.

For patients contemplating dental implants, socket preservation serves as a critical preparatory step. By preserving and enhancing the site, this procedure establishes a stable foundation, ensuring optimal support for the forthcoming implant.

In cases where extraction lacks proper atraumatic techniques and socket grafting is omitted, a significant portion of alveolar bone can be lost. If subsequent implant placement is envisioned, the absence of bone preservation necessitates more invasive surgical measures to augment bone growth or mandates the use of shorter, narrower implants. Such compromises can impact long-term stability, aesthetics, and functionality.

As advocates of comprehensive care, we prioritize employing meticulous techniques to ensure your dental health journey is characterized by durability, aesthetics, and optimal functionality.

Sedation dentistry presents an invaluable solution for individuals burdened by general anxiety surrounding dental visits or specific procedure-related fears. This approach offers a pathway to a serene and more comfortable experience, effectively minimizing stress. By employing meticulously controlled and safe sedation techniques prior to the dental procedure, patients are gently guided into a state of profound relaxation. This mitigates any potential discomfort, pain, or preoperative unease that may be associated with the dental visit. Moreover, post-operatively, patients often report a heightened sense of ease due to their limited or nonexistent recollection of the actual procedure.

Nitrous Oxide:

Known colloquially as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is employed as a mild sedative to alleviate anxiety and induce a relaxed state during dental procedures. Administered through a small mask placed over the nose, nitrous oxide is administered throughout the procedure and is discontinued as the procedure concludes. The effects of this sedation method dissipate rapidly.

Oral Sedation:

Oral sedation involves the prescription of a medication to be taken before the appointment. Timed according to recommendations, this medication ensures a state of full relaxation by the time the procedure commences. Patients undergoing oral sedation are required to have an escort present on the day of the procedure to drive them to and from the oral surgeon’s office.

IV Sedation:

IV Sedation entails the administration of a sedative intravenously, directly into a vein. This method is suitable for cases demanding deeper sedation. The level of sedation can be swiftly adjusted to align with your state of consciousness and maintained for the necessary duration of the procedure.

Prior to IV Sedation, it’s essential to have an empty stomach. Patients will be provided with instructions regarding the duration before their surgical procedure during which they should refrain from eating or drinking. Additionally, those undergoing IV sedation must have an escort present during the appointment and must arrange for transportation home upon completion of the appointment.

Our commitment to comprehensive care encompasses providing an array of sedation options, ensuring your dental experience is marked by relaxation and comfort. Please feel free to reach out to us for more information or to schedule a consultation to explore these options further.

A night guard serves as a removable dental device meticulously crafted to mitigate the impact of bruxism (teeth grinding) and other occlusal concerns. Specifically tailored for addressing bruxism, this mouth guard functions as a protective shield positioned between the upper and lower teeth.

While sporadic teeth grinding is generally innocuous, persistent bruxism can lead to teeth damage, tooth loss, and jaw discomfort.

Given that teeth grinding often occurs during sleep, many individuals remain unaware of the habit. However, a dentist can diagnose and determine the presence of teeth grinding.

Night guards are worn during sleep, acting as a safeguard for your natural teeth and dental crowns against the risk of cracking or chipping caused by nocturnal teeth grinding. This preventive measure can potentially obviate the need for costly dental interventions aimed at rectifying such damage.

For those who have undergone a smile makeover, a night guard proves to be an invaluable asset, safeguarding your investment and preserving the enhancements achieved.

A revolutionary, discreet, and highly effective approach to orthodontic care, Invisalign® treatment presents a cosmetic solution for aligning your smile with minimal disruption to your daily routines, utilizing a series of transparent aligners.

Characterized by virtually invisible aligners, only you will be privy to your orthodontic journey. In most cases, Invisalign obviates the need for cumbersome and unsightly bands and wires, delivering a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing experience. Regardless of whether you’re a teenager seeking correction for malocclusion or an adult desiring to rectify misaligned teeth, Invisalign holds the potential to be your optimal choice.

Invisalign harnesses the prowess of 3-D computer imaging technology to tackle problematic bites and malocclusions, devising a customized sequence of clear aligners. This series of aligners gradually guide your teeth into their desired positions, culminating in the attainment of your envisioned corrections.

As pioneers in aligner development and technology, Align Technology, Inc. harnesses insights from countless treated smiles to formulate treatment systems that boast:

  • Enhanced speed, sophistication, and comfort in comparison to alternative care options.
  • The capacity to address a wide spectrum of malocclusions and teeth misalignment issues.
  • Enhanced precision and control over multiple forms of tooth movement.

Tailored to precisely match your smile’s unique specifications, Invisalign clear aligners facilitate gradual teeth movement over time. The seamless transition from one aligner to the next in the series heralds the steady evolution of your smile’s alignment.

Moreover, the removable nature of Invisalign clear aligners sets them apart from traditional braces, granting you the freedom to relish your favorite foods and maintain impeccable oral hygiene with ease.

Whether you’re a teenager in need of orthodontic intervention or an adult aspiring to refine your smile, Invisalign clear aligners could hold the key to your aspirations. We invite you to reach out to our office for comprehensive information and to schedule a consultation, embarking on your path toward a transformed smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry

In our practice, we proudly provide top-tier, in-office whitening systems that can impart a striking radiance to your teeth in under an hour.

Harnessing cutting-edge technology, our approach involves activating a specialized gel applied to your teeth. This gel collaborates with light to deeply penetrate the teeth, effectively disintegrating stains and discoloration.

The whitening gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which upon breakdown, allows oxygen to infiltrate the enamel, bleaching pigmented substances while preserving the tooth’s underlying structure.

For individuals with heightened tooth sensitivity, custom whitening trays offer an alternative solution. These trays are gently filled with a specialized material and inserted into the mouth, serving as a nightly regimen to gradually achieve the desired level of brightness.

Prior to administering a whitening treatment, a comprehensive assessment of the teeth and gums ensures a patient’s suitability for the procedure. Upholding our commitment to optimal oral health, our patients’ well-being remains paramount.

To optimize outcomes, it is advisable to undergo a dental cleaning a week before the scheduled whitening treatment.

Rest assured, we are dedicated to delivering a trifecta of clean, white, and healthy teeth, reflecting our unwavering dedication to your dental well-being.

Should you aspire to attain a brighter smile through teeth whitening, we invite you to contact us and schedule your appointment. Your journey towards a rejuvenated smile begins here.

Dental Fillings

Composite fillings, crafted from biocompatible materials, are employed to restore teeth afflicted by decay, fractures, or chips. Notably cosmetic, these materials seamlessly blend with the natural color of your tooth, preserving its healthy aesthetic.

Our commitment to your well-being extends to the materials we use. In lieu of metal restorations that darken your smile and potentially harbor mercury, we prioritize your safety by refraining from amalgam restorations. Published studies have unveiled potential associations between chronic illnesses and symptoms correlated with exposure to dental amalgam and other metal alloys.

Air Abrasion

Air abrasion introduces a minimally invasive approach to decay removal. This method serves as an alternative to the traditional dental drill, gently and efficiently eliminating decay from teeth. Additionally, air abrasion prepares tooth surfaces for bonding procedures, sealant application, or the removal of specific stains and enamel discolorations.

Resembling a mini sandblaster, air abrasion directs a precise stream of fine particles onto affected areas of the tooth. The particles effectively eliminate decay while preserving healthy tooth structure.

An advantageous aspect of air abrasion is the absence of the jarring sound and vibration characteristic of dental drills. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing discomfort or anxiety related to dental treatments. Furthermore, the use of air abrasion may obviate the need for local anesthesia.

While air abrasion serves as a swift, efficient, and comfortable alternative to the dental drill, certain limitations persist. Addressing extensive cavities or removing old fillings may necessitate a more conventional approach in some cases.

Dental Bonding

Bonding materials prove invaluable for a range of cosmetic enhancements. They close gaps between teeth, extend small or misshapen teeth, improve the appearance of stained or dark teeth, and shield exposed portions of tooth roots due to gum recession.

Whether addressing chips or the initial stages of wear, bonding offers protection against damage and restoration of the original appearance of teeth.

Bonding procedures represent a cost-effective and straightforward cosmetic dental solution, tailored to enhance your smile’s radiance.

On certain occasions, cavities can exceed the size suitable for a composite filling yet maintain enough tooth structure to sustain themselves. In such instances, when neither a filling nor a crown is the optimal choice, an onlay or inlay restoration emerges as the recommended solution.

Resin-based inlays and onlays are meticulously crafted within a laboratory setting, following the acquisition of impressions. These restorations are seamlessly bonded to the tooth, ensuring a precise and snug fit that reinstates the tooth’s innate strength and authentic appearance.

A dental crown serves as a protective and restorative solution for damaged teeth. It is employed in cases where a tooth exhibits a significant worn-out filling, a substantial cavity, or following a root canal procedure. Additionally, crowns are utilized to safeguard cracked teeth, effectively enhancing their structural integrity.

Beyond functional restoration, dental crowns also offer cosmetic benefits. Porcelain crowns, renowned for their beauty and natural appearance, are particularly appealing. The utilization of porcelain both internally and externally eliminates the presence of a dark line at the gum edge, a common characteristic of metal-based crowns. The translucency of porcelain renders it nearly indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Introducing Crowns in One Day with Cerec 3D

Cerec represents a groundbreaking computerized technology that facilitates the creation of exquisite ceramic restorations such as inlays, onlays, and crowns, all within a single visit. This innovative approach eliminates the need for traditional impressions, reduces the necessity for anesthetics and extensive drilling, and optimizes time efficiency, harmonizing seamlessly with your busy schedule.

A dental veneer, a delicate porcelain shell, is skillfully affixed to a tooth to enhance its shape or color. Generally encompassing the front and upper surface of the tooth, veneers are adept at closing gaps, elongating small or misshapen teeth, and restoring the integrity of chipped or worn teeth.

The allure of porcelain veneers lies in their exquisite and authentic appearance. Maintaining a translucent quality, porcelain harmoniously blends with natural teeth, rendering a discerning eye hard-pressed to distinguish between them.

Fabrication of porcelain veneers commences in a laboratory, following the collection of precise teeth impressions. Once returned from the lab, these veneers are meticulously bonded to your teeth, seamlessly imparting a natural radiance to your smile. Over time, veneers become an integral part of your dental composition, aligning harmoniously with your natural teeth.

A dental bridge, a vital solution for missing teeth, leverages neighboring teeth as secure anchors. This entails placing crowns on adjacent teeth while affixing a false tooth in the center.

Employed primarily when one or two teeth are missing, dental bridges step in. Should the absence of teeth exceed this count, a denture typically becomes the recommended course of action.

The elegance of porcelain bridges lies in their natural, seamless appearance. By utilizing porcelain both internally and externally, the telltale dark line at the gum edge, often associated with metal-based bridges, is eliminated. The translucency of porcelain further enhances the illusion, making differentiation from natural teeth nearly impossible.

A bridge’s installation necessitates two to three appointments:

  1. First appointment: Adjacent teeth are prepared, a temporary bridge is placed.
  2. Second appointment: An impression of the teeth is taken and sent to a lab for bridge fabrication. Upon the bridge’s return from the lab, it is bonded to your teeth, restoring your smile’s innate beauty.

In cases where posterior teeth are involved and cost considerations are prominent, alternative materials may be employed.

Bridges carry an anticipated lifespan of seven years. Consequently, individuals in their 40s could potentially replace a bridge up to five times during their lifetime.

An alternative to bridges are dental implants. These small titanium cylinders, enhanced with substances that stimulate initial bone cell attraction, serve as root replacements for missing teeth. Once placed and restored, dental implants require no further interventions.

In comparison, bridges offer short-term advantages over dental implants. Their expedited delivery, non-surgical nature, and initial affordability make them a compelling choice.

Partial Dentures

When missing teeth result from dental issues that necessitate extraction, partial dentures emerge as a viable solution. Comprising a plate with attached artificial teeth, this option is particularly suitable for multiple missing teeth. Partial dentures restore chewing efficiency and bridge gaps effectively.

The custom-crafted plate is tailored by the lab using mouth models, featuring clips (clasps) that anchor onto healthy teeth to ensure secure placement.


  • Comparatively cost-effective and less invasive than alternatives like dental implants or fixed bridges.
  • Improved functionality over complete dentures and helps preserve existing teeth.


  • Potential discomfort and the need for nightly removal for proper cleaning.
  • Risk of adjacent teeth decay due to surrounding clips.
  • Risk of adjacent teeth loosening and potential loss due to bone depletion.
  • Pressure and movement of partial dentures may impact gum health, potentially incurring additional costs.
  • Dental implants serve as a noteworthy alternative to partial dentures.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are indicated when all teeth are lost or extracted. Custom-fitted to your mouth, they restore the ability to bite, chew, and enhance your smile and facial appearance.


  • Less invasive compared to fixed dentures.
  • Cost-effective in the absence of replacements.


  • Altered taste perception.
  • Accelerated bone loss.
  • Need for denture adjustments as it becomes loose.
  • Initial discomfort during wear.

To make an informed choice, consult with Dr. Ordonez regarding the pros and cons of available dental alternatives. Consider other treatment options as well.

Implant-Supported Fixed Bridges

Differing from traditional fixed bridges, implant-supported bridges preserve adjacent teeth integrity and halt the natural bone resorption process post tooth loss. This approach sustains facial contours and eliminates sagging appearances. Permanently anchored in the jawbone, implant-supported bridges fully restore biting and chewing capabilities.

Implant-Supported Overdentures

For complete upper or lower tooth loss, dental implants offer stable, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing solutions. An implant-anchored overdenture is a removable denture secured to a ball or bar attachment in the front jaw. This implant support provides added stability, eliminating the need for messy adhesives.

Full Arch Fixed Bridge

As an alternative to full dentures, a full arch fixed bridge affixed to multiple dental implants offers a permanent solution for extensive tooth loss. Providing stability and aesthetic appeal, this solution allows natural eating and functioning akin to natural teeth.

Implant Dentistry

Dental implant procedures have gained significant popularity as a preferred dental treatment for replacing missing teeth. They offer a functional and long-lasting solution to specific needs, provided that the patient is a suitable candidate and requires them.

Implants consist of small titanium cylinders treated and coated with substances that promote the initial attraction of bone-forming cells. Surgically, they replace the roots of missing teeth.

Should I consider dental implants?

When a tooth is missing, the remaining teeth tend to shift and erupt out of the jaw bone to compensate for the gaps. This process, known as over-eruption, can lead to bite problems, misaligned teeth, and even bone loss.

Addressing over-eruption can sometimes be complex, which is why prompt replacement of missing teeth is recommended.

Dental implant-related procedures offer the advantage of a natural-looking and functional smile.

At Dr. Ordonez’s practice, the dental implant placement process comprises three phases:

  • Phase One: Treatment Planning The initial phase involves a comprehensive exam and diagnostic treatment planning. This includes a thorough assessment using 3D imaging technology like Cone Beam CT. This helps us determine the available bone and soft tissue in the area, as well as adjacent anatomical structures.
  • Phase Two: Surgery The surgical phase is tailored to the specific requirements of the site, which we discuss with you during the diagnosis and treatment planning phase.
  • Phase Three: Restoration In the restorative phase, we craft a restoration using the finest and most durable materials available. All our procedures are meticulously planned to maximize precision and anchorage while minimizing risk, ultimately resulting in a better outcome for the patient.

Dr. Ordonez’s philosophy centers on achieving both cosmetic and functional resemblance to nature in a caring and compassionate environment.

Our office is equipped and certified to perform these procedures while ensuring patient comfort using the safest IV sedation method.

Advantages of dental implants

Dental implants offer several advantages over dentures or bridges:

  • Implants provide the best type of restoration for missing teeth.
  • They prevent bone loss, restore functionality, and offer aesthetic appeal.
  • Eating becomes pain-free and enjoyable.
  • With dental implants, you can avoid the inconvenience of using retainers.
  • Dental implants spare you the discomfort associated with denture wear, such as gum soreness, loose dentures, and diminished taste sensation.

While some consider dental implants expensive initially, they prove to be the most cost-effective solution for missing teeth over time. Unlike dentures that require multiple replacements, dental implants can instill confidence and lasting results with proper care (hygiene).

How to choose a dentist for dental implants?

While any general dentist can place a dental implant, the best choice is a dentist with advanced education in implantology and extensive experience in implant placement.

Dr. Ordonez boasts over 20 years of professional experience in the field and is a Fellow, Master, and Diplomat of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI).

A renowned speaker in Implant Dentistry, Dr. Ordonez is recognized by prestigious societies and universities worldwide. He has conducted lectures, developed techniques, and designed instruments for this field.

Above all, Dr. Ordonez is known for his compassionate approach and commitment to meeting patients’ expectations. His goal is to create dental restorations that boost self-confidence and create enduring memories.

As bone loss progresses, facial support diminishes, leading to an aged appearance as cheeks and lips lose their natural structure.


This innovative technique requires just four implants in the upper or lower jaw to support all replacement teeth for that dental arch. All-on-4®* typically involves a single surgery to place all implants, eliminates the need for additional bone grafting, and provides instant gratification with a full set of temporary teeth on the same day as the initial procedure. After post-surgical healing and full integration of All-on-4 dental implants with the jawbone, the temporary bridge is replaced by a customized final bridge. These permanent replacement teeth are secure, stable, and function similar to natural teeth.

*All-on-4 is a registered trademark of Nobel Biocare.


A technologically advanced alternative to traditional dentures, the All-on-6 technique utilizes six strategically placed specialized dental implants to create a comfortable and stable full set of upper and/or lower teeth. Unlike removable dentures, All-on-6 dental implants offer a fixed and permanent solution, restoring a complete set of teeth. This affords patients the feeling of having their natural teeth back and enhances their quality of life, enabling them to eat and speak confidently. All-on-6 dental implants eliminate the need for messy denture adhesives and the inconvenience of removing dentures for cleaning, as replacement teeth are cared for similarly to natural teeth.

All-on-6 dental implants present a less invasive and swifter method to restore a full upper or lower set of teeth compared to conventional dental implants. With just six implants per jaw, temporary teeth can often be placed immediately, followed by a permanent set within a few months of full implant integration with the surrounding bone.

Implant-Supported Fixed Bridges

In contrast to traditional fixed bridges, implant-supported bridges preserve the integrity of adjacent teeth and halt the natural bone resorption that occurs when teeth are lost. By maintaining bone in the edentulous areas (where teeth are missing), normal facial contours are retained, avoiding a sunken appearance. Permanently anchored in the jawbone, implant-supported bridges fully restore natural biting and chewing capabilities.

Implant-Supported Overdentures

For individuals missing all teeth in the upper or lower jaw, dental implants offer comfortable, stable, and aesthetically pleasing solutions to restore a functional smile.

An implant-supported overdenture is a removable denture that clips onto a ball or bar attachment in the front part

Implant-supported dentures, also known as Overdentures, are a type of restorative prosthesis used when all teeth are lost or extracted and budget constraints are a consideration. Typically, two to four regular-diameter implants or four to six mini implants are utilized to anchor the denture in place. The denture and implants are connected using components known as attachments. Various types and brands of attachments with different qualities and prices are available, and we exclusively choose attachments that we believe are of the highest quality for your benefit.

In this treatment option, having a well-designed denture that fits properly is crucial. Otherwise, a new full denture is custom-made to ensure a perfect fit for your mouth. Implant-supported dentures improve your chewing ability and enhance your appearance, leading to increased self-confidence and overall well-being.

Implant-supported dentures offer several advantages over regular dentures. They remain stable and do not tip or rub during chewing, nor do they become loose over time. Additionally, they stay securely in place as you speak.

Conventional complete dentures come with several disadvantages, including a diminished ability to taste and fully enjoy food due to the palate being partially covered, as well as bone loss over time. Implants allow us to eliminate the need for acrylic covering the palate, reducing the overall size of the denture. This change leads to multiple benefits and increased comfort.

The process to deliver an implant-supported denture typically involves about three appointments. The implants or mini implants are usually placed in a single appointment. If the implants have the required stability, they can be immediately connected to the dentures, allowing you to experience the benefits of implant dentistry right from the first day. In cases where stability is inadequate, a waiting period of three to five months is necessary for bone formation and maturation around the implant surface.

For the final denture, impressions are taken and sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of the new denture. Once the denture is ready, it is attached to the regular implants or mini implants in a single appointment. Implant-supported dentures require a period of supervision and adjustments. We anticipate seeing our patients for maintenance at least three times a year to ensure the health of the area and make any necessary modifications and adjustments.

A viable alternative to implant-supported dentures is implant-retained crowns or bridges. This option usually requires a greater commitment in terms of time and finances, as it involves more extensive resources and work. However, it offers superior benefits. Dental implants prevent bone loss that can affect your bite and temporomandibular joint (TMJ). With dental implants, your mouth feels more natural, you can chew more effectively, and you experience an improved sense of well-being. Most importantly, you retain the ability to fully taste and enjoy your food, a benefit that is often compromised with regular full dentures.

For patients who have lost all of their natural teeth, a preferable alternative to an implant-supported overdenture involves the creation of a complete zirconia bridge. Typically, a range of six to eight implants is strategically placed to serve as secure anchors.

We firmly advocate against the utilization of merely four implants to support complete bridges, a trend embraced by some due to its cost-effectiveness, rather than its efficacy or long-term viability. This approach can lead to limitations in anchorage and potential compromises in the treatment’s durability.

Our approach prioritizes the establishment of robust foundations for our implant procedures. Our meticulously crafted zirconia bridges not only address the gradual loss of bone volume but also meticulously replicate the form and hue of your gums and natural teeth. These bridges are then securely affixed to the implanted anchors.

The result is akin to the sensation of having your own natural teeth, affording you the confidence to savor your favorite foods and engage in uninhibited smiling and conversation.

To ensure the enduring quality of your restoration, we advise regular visits to our practice for the purpose of maintenance.

Various procedures within the field of implant dentistry serve the purpose of bone regeneration or preservation. To achieve this goal, an array of bio-materials has been developed for placement at the surgical site, eventually transforming into native bone tissue.

Particulate Graft 

Particulate graft materials, available in small containers, come in diverse compositions and forms. These bio-materials can originate from different sources, including human tissue banks, animals (typically cows and pigs), and synthetic origins.

We meticulously select the bio-material that aligns with your specific needs, ensuring predictable and secure outcomes. For these materials to evolve into your own bone, a source of cells and blood supply is necessary.

Block Graft

The block graft technique is employed to repair or enhance sites with substantial bone volume deficiency. Deemed one of the most intricate and technique-demanding procedures in implant dentistry, it necessitates a high level of expertise.

The procedure involves extracting a segment of bone (bone block) from areas such as the chin or ramus. This block is then transplanted to the area requiring increased bone volume and secured using two fixation screws.

Multiple techniques exist for block graft harvesting and placement. Dr. Ordonez has mastered each approach, achieving a remarkable success rate in reconstructing severely atrophied mandibles and maxillas.

BMP Graft

A pivotal advancement in implant dentistry is the application of Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) for bone regeneration and reconstruction. The utilization of BMP has enabled us to achieve bone growth beyond past aspirations.

This remarkable bio-material is used in tandem with particulate or block grafts, serving as a catalyst for enhanced bone formation. Under microscopic examination, this type of bone resembles “Nu bone” or an exceptionally youthful bone. The incorporation of BMP has notably enhanced predictability in regenerative bone surgery for dental implants, rapidly revolutionizing our surgical approaches.

The art of bone preservation and growth entails intricate techniques and demands seasoned expertise.

Drawing from years of experience, Dr. Ordonez has adeptly performed these procedures and provided personalized training to fellow practitioners in these intricate methodologies.

When a molar or premolar tooth is extracted without the application of atraumatic methods, and the resulting socket is left ungrafted, the maxillary sinus undergoes a process known as “pneumatization,” wherein it expands and occupies the space previously held by the tooth and its surrounding bone.

Subsequently, if a patient opts for dental implants after this pneumatization occurs, the available bone becomes restricted and the maxillary sinus becomes an impediment. This limitation affects the implant’s potential length and anchoring capabilities. In many cases, the degree of pneumatization in the sinus is so substantial that implant placement becomes unfeasible.

To address this issue, the sinus elevation process, often referred to as a sinus lift, involves surgically elevating the delicate membrane enveloping the maxillary sinus. The elevated membrane, in conjunction with the sinus walls, forms a compartment that is subsequently filled with bone graft material. Over the course of approximately five months, this bone graft material transforms into viable bone, enabling the subsequent placement of dental implants.

Numerous techniques exist for executing this procedure, and Dr. Ordonez is recognized for pioneering innovative surgical methods and designing specialized instruments that streamline and enhance the sinus lift procedure, rendering it less invasive and more reliably predictable.

Our dental practice boasts state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology, specifically tailored for advanced oral surgery procedures.

Among these innovations, Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) stands as a revolutionary technique employed to generate detailed images of both your dental and facial anatomy.

The utilization of CBCT images significantly streamlines clinical decision-making processes, enhancing precision and accuracy. As a result, treatment choices are more informed, and the interpretation of x-ray data becomes more insightful.

With the integration of Simplant software, our skilled practitioners meticulously strategize each surgical procedure, ensuring the optimal placement and spacing of implants.

This innovative software offers a comprehensive blueprint, pinpointing the precise locations for implant insertion. By doing so, it minimizes the inherent risks associated with potential damage to critical anatomical structures in the upper or lower jaw, safeguarding your well-being throughout the surgical journey.

TMJ Treatment

TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint, encompasses a range of issues affecting the teeth, muscles, ligaments, and bones within the skull’s joints. These problems disrupt the proper movement of your jaw. Primary causes of TMJ disorders include facial and jaw trauma, teeth clenching, grinding, tooth loss, as well as stress-related factors like anxiety and depression. The symptoms of TMJ disorders are diverse, with manifestations ranging from head pain to sensations of muscle weakness in the arms and legs.

Common TMD and Facial Pain symptoms include:

  1. Morning headaches
  2. Neck pain
  3. Soreness in the jaw muscles
  4. Pain in or around the ears, temples, or cheeks, often extending to the face
  5. Audible clicking, popping, or grating sounds when opening or closing the mouth
  6. Pain or difficulty while chewing, yawning, or opening the mouth widely
  7. Occasional jaw “locking” or being unable to fully open or close
  8. Regularly feeling stiffness, fatigue, or tightness in the jaw
  9. Unexplained toothaches
  10. Ear pain in the absence of infection
  11. Dizziness

Managing TMJ symptoms can be an exasperating experience. Patients often find themselves seeking relief from various healthcare providers and specialists without success, leading them to cope with the discomfort. Dr. Ordonez offers tailored and meticulous treatment plans that frequently alleviate their pain.

Dr. Ordonez, a Graduate Research Fellow specializing in TMJ Disorder treatment, Orofacial pain, and pain management from Tufts University, is renowned for his unwavering dedication, commitment, and exceptional treatment outcomes. His extensive experience has earned him recognition from both peers and patients. Our practice employs state-of-the-art diagnostic, preventive, and restorative technologies to address pain associated with misaligned teeth and TMJ disorders (Bite Analysis).

The TMJ Evaluation is an intricate examination focused on analyzing your bite. Throughout this evaluation, the doctor meticulously observes the movement of your jaw during opening and closing, as well as the alignment of your teeth.

Numerous factors can influence your bite, including the presence of missing or misaligned teeth. Your posture can also play a role, prompting the doctor to assess your walking and standing posture.

A critical facet of this examination involves applying pressure to the muscles that control jaw movement, both externally and internally. Additionally, the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back are evaluated. The doctor may employ a stethoscope to detect jaw joint sounds or place their fingers along your jaw to monitor its movements.

The evaluation encompasses a review of your CBCT image results. Cone Beam Computerized Tomography, a novel imaging technology, enables the reproduction of comprehensive images of your dental and facial structures. Through CBCT X-Rays, the doctor can meticulously scrutinize the anatomical components of your mandible joint. The images are shared with you, allowing the doctor to pinpoint areas requiring attention and facilitating your comprehension of the underlying reasons for your symptoms.

Incorporated within the assessment is an Electromyographic Analysis (EMG). This non-invasive test gauges the activity of facial muscles, with readings recorded by a specialized device. The EMG provides precise insights into muscle function. Readings are taken while your mouth is open, when you bite down, and even in sitting and standing positions. This comprehensive approach helps determine potential impacts on other parts of your body.

Following the thorough evaluation, the doctor will offer an elaborate explanation of the treatment plan designed to alleviate your symptoms. The goal is to provide you with a clear understanding of the proposed approach to improve your condition.

Bite appliances encompass removable plastic devices crafted from impressions of your teeth. These appliances are precisely contoured to fit your teeth and are meticulously balanced to induce muscle relaxation and alleviate overall body stress.

Distinguished from the night guard utilized for bruxism, a TMJ splint is constructed from a rigid acrylic material. Its purpose goes beyond creating a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth; rather, the splint is strategically designed to reposition the jaw, thereby mitigating pain symptoms.

It’s imperative to note that numerous adjustments are essential for the proper fitting and efficacy of the splint. As muscles begin to relax, alterations are needed to accommodate changes in the bite. Ill-fitting plates are unlikely to yield desired results in resolving the issue.

For daytime wear, a plate is typically fitted onto the lower teeth, facilitating ease of speech. Conversely, a distinct plate is utilized during nighttime hours for the upper teeth. This approach grants each set of teeth periods of respite from the plate, promoting comfort.

Individuals grappling with TMJ discomfort necessitate customized plates tailored to their unique needs. Seeking treatment from a qualified dentist is imperative to ensure the accurate design and fitting of these plates.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) mobilization is a procedure employed to enhance the mobility and functionality of the temporomandibular joint, also known as the jaw joint. Occasionally, the jaw can become locked, resulting in limited mouth opening.

This phenomenon often arises when specific structures within the mandible joint require repositioning. To address this issue, the doctor employs various techniques to restore optimal joint movement and function.

The Spray and Stretch Technique is a swift and effective method to alleviate acute pain and rectify restricted range of motion associated with muscle trigger points. During this process, the doctor applies a topical anesthetic skin refrigerant to the affected area. Through skillful massage and manipulation of the muscle, pain stemming from muscle spasms and trigger points is effectively alleviated.

Botulinum toxin, commonly referred to as Botox, has undergone thorough testing and validation as an effective method for reducing muscle tone over a sustained period of several months. Botox has garnered indications for pain management associated with various conditions, including tension headaches, migraines, chronic back pain, and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS).

Myofascial pain syndrome is a component of temporomandibular joint disorders. Through regular Botox applications administered at three-month intervals, muscle tension is significantly diminished, leading to the alleviation of pain in the facial and jaw areas. This therapeutic approach offers substantial relief to individuals suffering from these discomforts.

An Electromyographic Analysis (EMG) is a painless test conducted on the facial muscles, with the data recorded by a specialized machine. This procedure involves assessing the electrical activity generated by the muscles. Electrodes are affixed to the skin to capture these processes, subsequently displaying the results on a monitor.

The EMG provides an exceptionally precise depiction of muscle functionality. Readings of muscle activity are acquired in various states, including mouth open, biting down, and while in both sitting and standing positions. This comprehensive approach aids in identifying potential impacts on other areas of the body.

The EMG serves as a valuable tool for clinicians, enabling them to closely monitor muscle movement and contractions that deviate from normal functioning. During this process, clinicians elucidate the connections between muscle contractions, stress, and the perception of facial pain.

Patients are educated on how stress can trigger muscle contractions, which, when prolonged or frequent, contribute to the onset and persistence of facial pain. This comprehension is pivotal in helping patients manage stress and subsequently mitigate its impact on their well-being.








Sleep Dentistry

An excellent method we recommend for diagnosing sleep-related issues, such as sleep apnea, involves consulting your bed partner. Inquire if they have noticed loud snoring or instances where you momentarily stop breathing during the night.

Snoring originates from the collapse of soft tissue structures within the upper airway while sleeping. It can disrupt your own sleep and potentially impact your partner’s sleep as well. Additionally, snoring poses a health concern due to potential oxygen reduction during sleep.

If you are a snorer, there’s a possibility that you might also be dealing with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a more severe medical condition.

OSA transpires when the tongue and soft palate collapse onto the back of the throat, completely obstructing the airway. This leads to interruptions in breathing and a subsequent drop in blood oxygen levels. Sleep apnea can contribute to chronic sleepiness, strokes, heart attacks, heartburn, morning headaches, depression, impotence, and other complications.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Appliance For addressing snoring and sleep apnea, mandibular advancement splints are often utilized. These splints gently move the lower jaw forward, tightening the soft tissues and muscles of the upper airway to prevent obstruction during sleep. Moreover, they curtail the vibration of upper airway tissues as air passes over, a primary cause of snoring.

These appliances are remarkably comfortable and easy to wear, custom-made to fit your mouth. They don’t restrict tongue movement or lock your jaws together, allowing normal mouth opening and closure.

Dental Emergencies

We understand that your emergencies are our top priority. Our compassionate and dedicated team is committed to providing immediate care for all emergencies, even on weekends and holidays. Whether you’re an existing patient or new to our practice, we are here to assist you during dental emergencies.

Dental emergencies can manifest in various ways. Discomfort may arise from oral facial injuries, the sudden exacerbation of an ongoing issue, or unanticipated and severe pain. Regardless of the situation, urgent dental attention is crucial to offer relief and prevent any potential repercussions on your oral health, functionality, and overall well-being.

Numerous factors might prompt the need for emergency dental care, such as intense toothaches, fractured or chipped teeth, dental abscesses, impacted teeth, compromised fillings, displaced or lost crowns, and broken dentures, among other concerns. While toothache pain is a prevalent reason for seeking immediate care, we also swiftly address emergencies that may not be painful, such as dislodged crowns or broken dentures that affect your smile’s aesthetics.

Whether your dental emergency involves pain, impacts your smile’s appearance, or raises concerns about potential infection, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office right away. We are dedicated to scheduling your appointment as soon as possible to address your needs promptly and effectively.

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7741 SW 62nd Ave
South Miami, FL 33143
(305) 666-3824

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